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Starnes, M. A.; CARINO, N. J.; Kausel, E. A. NDE of concrete structures strengthened with FRP using infrared thermography. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE O COMPORTAMENTO DE ESTRUTURAS DANIFICADAS, 3., 2002, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 2002.
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Número de Trabalhos: 4 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 1)
Citações: 36
Índice h: 6  
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Numerical and experimental methods are used to investigate the effectiveness of infrared thermography to estimate the width of subsurface flaws in fiber-reinforce polymer (FRP) laminates bonded to concrete. The study focuses on establishing the potential for quantitative infrared thermography, that is not only detecting but also characterizing subsurface flaws. Finite element analyses are used to examine surface temperature response due to simulated defects at the interfaces of FRP laminates applied to a concrete substrate. In particular, the effects of flaw width and flaw depth are studied. It is concluded that the minimum detectable flaw width depends on flaw depth and the thermal resolution of the infrared detection system. A procedure is proposed for estimating the flaw width based on the point of inflection in the surface temperature profile measured along a given line. Controlled-flaw experiments are performed to verify the procedure for estimating the width of subsurface flaws. Good agreement is found between the estimated and actual flaw dimensions. Data smoothing is shown to be effective in removing "noise" from measured temperature profiles.