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Giandon, André Carneiro; MENDES JÚNIOR., Ricardo; Scheer, Sérgio. Implementing electronic document management system for a lean design process. In: CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL GROUP FOR LEAN CONSTRUCTION, 10., 2002, Gramado. Anais… Gramado: IGLC, 2002. p. 651-659.
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This paper analyzes how the implementation of the Electronic Document Management (EDM) can contribute for a lean management in AEC sector, particularly in the design process. The main concepts of EDM are presented and illustrated with examples of its application in the design process. Some considerations are show on the document management problems in design process. The most common errors embedded on documents are: Inconsistency in design information, mismatch between connected parts, component malfunction. The authors propose how to use EDM systems for a lean design process based on the ideas proposed earlier by Koskela and Tzortzopoulos and Formoso. The lean concepts discussed here are: Reduce the share of non-value-adding activities, reduce variability, reduce cycle time, simplify by minimizing the number of steps and parts, increase output flexibility, increase process transparency, balance flow improvement with conversion improvement. The paper ends with a brief description of an implementation of EDM for a lean design process. The purpose of the paper is to bring the discussion on Information Technology (IT) usage on a lean management context. The ideas presented here is an initial step on this research in order to have a theoretical framework to analyse case study under development in a construction company in Curitiba.