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Yamada, Eduardo Seiji. Os impactos da medição individualizada do consumo de água : Submedição. Boletim Técnico da Escola Politécnica da USP, São Paulo, BT/PCC/, 13,. 2001.
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Em termos financeiros dos consumidores, CHAN (1997) mostra a facilidade que um sistema possui para voltar às condições iniciais, em edificações nas quais foram implantadas metodologias de conservação de água, de acordo com o nível financeiro dos usuários. Nas suas pesquisas feitas em Hong Kong, mesmo sendo implementado ações para a redução de consumo em alguns edifícios, como: sistemas de medição individualizada, campanhas de conscientização e educação através da mídia, utilização da água do mar para descargas em bacias sanitárias, controle de vazamentos e ações para economia de água, ele verificou que o consumo per capita veio e vem aumentando gradativamente em função da melhoria do padrão de vida da população.


Nowadays in most of Brazilian's residential buildings, there is a great concern related to the way that water consumption is metered and rated among the water users. Traditionally, in Brazilian's culture, the water consumption metering system in a residential building is done by only one hydrometer (collective metering) and the global water bill is shared among all users according to different sharing methodologies. The great part of them takes into account quantitative characteristics, such as number of apartments and apartment size (area). But the most applied methodology is related to the number of apartments, which is totally unfair to the users: equal sharing among the number of residents. The ideal and logical situation is when water consumption is metered by an individual hydrometer and rated by an individual water bill, as what happens to Brazilian's electricity and public gas consumption metering system. Many authors from different parts of the world already confirmed the water consumption reduction in relation to collective metering system, with the implantation of submetering (individual metering) systems in residential buildings. But most of them have not considered an important water use factor that is directly related to the variation of consumption: social and cultural (behavior and habits) characteristics of the water users. The objective of this paper is related to a data analysis and comparison of a research in buildings which presents two kinds of water metering system (collective and individual metering system), considering the water users social and cultural characteristics and the water consumption reduction impacts. The research was applied in a case study of residential buildings, which present identical physical characteristics but different water metering system and water users.