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Vytlacil, Dalibor. Dynamic model of building construction company. In: ENCONTRO DE TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO NA CONSTRUÇÃO CIVIL, 4., 2009, Rio de Janeiro. Anais.... Rio de Janeiro: UFF, 2009. p. 1 - 10.
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 The construction companies have to manage the amount of the projects that should be adequate to the capacity of the company. It is very difficult task because the companies exist in the changing external and internal environment. The good project management is the important part of the whole management in the project oriented companies. The paper presents the dynamic models that describe the company as a system dynamics model. The developed models investigate the influence of the model structure and the input values on the main output parameters. The main subsystem of the models is the supply line of project tasks. It includes the project tasks that have to be done and the finished tasks. The changes between these stocks are influenced by the flow assessed from the amount and the quality of the resources. In this case the main resource is manpower and the complementary resource is a component supply line. Another subsystem in the models is the financial subsystem. The outputs from the computer simulations are time-dependent variables that are important for the evaluation of the system behavior. The changes of the output parameters during the certain time period it is possible to observe in the graphs that are calculated for different input parameters. The paper demonstrates the importance of the management structure - the information linkages in the project oriented companies, strategy in the manpower hiring, the consequences in the decision making concerning component or material supply and the capacity planning.