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CARVALHO, Rachel Coutinho M. S.; ALVES, A. B. S.; CASTRO, P. F. Assessing bond strength for FRP Products. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE O COMPORTAMENTO DE ESTRUTURAS DANIFICADAS, 2., 2000, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 2000.
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Os materiais compósitos em fibra oferecem ao projetista da indústria da construção uma elevada combinação de propriedades não disponíveis em outros materiais. Fibras, podem ser introduzidas em determinadas posições, frações de volume e na direção em que se deseja obter o máximo de eficiência (MALLICK,1993).


Reinforced concrete is one of the most important construction materials. Although concrete possess high compressive strength, it has little tensile strength. The addition of steel bars to provide the required tensile strength results in the hybrid composite material known as reinforced concrete. Unfortunately, since concrete is porous, the reinforcing steel can corrode when structure is subjected to corrosive materials. In addition, tension capacity in the reinforcement is lost due to the corrosion. If uncorrected, this deterioration may eventually result in the failure of the structure. An effective approach to eliminate the corrosion problems in concrete structures would be to employ corrosion-resistant plastics bars instead of steel rods. On the other hand, the technique of bonding external plates to existing structures for strengthening purpose has been used in several countries including Brasil. The performance of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) bars and plates in concrete is not well established because of their recent introduction in construction. Bond behaviour and development length of FRP plates and bars in concrete have to be understood to take advantage of the potential use of these products. This paper presents results of an experimental program on bond test for FRP bars and plates.