Mais informações

Ribeiro, Fábio Henrique de Melo; FIGUEIREDO, Enio José Pazini. Evaluation of the influence of the corrosion inhibitors on the freshly and hardened concrete properties. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH-PERFORMANCE CONCRETE, PERFORMANCE AND QUALITY OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES, 3., 2002, Recife. Anais… Recife, 2002.
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Número de Trabalhos: 6 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 4)
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Número de Trabalhos: 16 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
Citações: 3
Índice h: 1  
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The actual increase in the uses of the inhibitors is well-founded in the advantages offered by these substances. One of them is the nonalteration of the physical and mechanical properties of the concrete. To prove this advantage, the authors of this paper studied the influence of the inhibitors on the freshly and hardened concrete properties. The inhibitors studied were the sodium nitrite and other one based in the amine, beyond the reference concrete without inhibitor. For evaluate the influence of these inhibitors, tests on pastes and concretes in freshly and hardened state were realized. The trends showed that the inhibitors studied have different behavior on the slump test, setting time and water absorption, and a similar behavior on the compressive strength.