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ELY, Vera; DISCHINGER, Marta. Acessibilidade nos espaços públicos urbanos como tema inovador no ensino de arquitetura. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL SOBRE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM PROJETO DE ARQUITETURA, 2003, Natal. Anais... Natal: UFRN, 2003. p. 1–12.
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Número de Trabalhos: 1 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 1)
Citações: 61
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Co-autores: 1


In this article we present the objectives, results and unfolding actions, which derive from the introduction of an innovative subject – the accessibility of public urban spaces – for students of architecture and urbanism of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. A broader concept of accessibility means the possibilities of participation in urban activities by all citizens, including those who present some form of restriction such as disabled persons, elderly, children and pregnant women. The theme relevance, its novelty and complexity led to the development of special teaching methodologies. A central role in the learning process was given to the participation of the community, represented by associations of impaired persons and urban planning technicians, and the study of real situations located in the historical center of Florianópolis. This experience conveyed to the students a different vision of impaired persons as citizens and the development of an ethical attitude regarding the use of technological knowledge in the professional practice. For the teachers the experience constituted the foundations on which future actions of research and practical projects in the field of accessibility and Universal Design could stand.