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SALGADO, Mônica Santos; CUNHA, Marco Aurelio Bittencourt; DUARTE, Técia Maria Pereira. Desenvolvimento de projetos sustentáveis usando a plataforma BIM: estudo de caso na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. In: ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE EDIFICAÇÕES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 1., 2015, Guimarães. Anais... GuimarÃes, 2015.
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Rio de Janeiro City is gaining a lot of new buildings, due to the World Cup (2014) andthe Olympics (2016). The focus of new projects is the commitment to the principles of highquality environmental. However, it is questioned in what extent this movement is accompaniedby the modernization of the sector ‐ especially in relation to use of BIM platform (BuildingInformation Modelling) during the design development. In this sense, this article presents asurvey of the new buildings that are being constructed ‐ particularly those administered by theCity Hall ‐ identifying the environmental certification pursued by professionals, and the extentof use of BIM Platform. Results indicate that most professionals do not use the platform yet, oruse partially, showing some resistance towards the adoption of new technology, despite itsgreat potential for the production of buildings with high environmental quality.