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SCARPINELLA, Gustavo D’Almeida et al. Áreas potenciais para produção de alimento no espaço urbano público: estudo de caso no município de São Carlos, SP/Brasil. In: ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE EDIFICAÇÕES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 1., 2015, Guimarães. Anais... GuimarÃes, 2015.
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Co-autores: 2


Food production in urban areas is becoming increasingly common in many countries,and in Brazil it has gained strength underpinned on the idea of making use of abandoned orunderutilized public areas. The main objective of this research was surveying favorable areas toimplement community gardens in open public spaces, recreational and institutional areas, andalso the existing initiatives in a popular neighborhood south of the urban area of São Carlos (SãoPaulo, Brazil). The results show the region’s potential for implementing community vegetablegardensand orchards, in addition to an organic community vegetable‐garden, which is currentlyundergoing some management difficulties. It is concluded that although such spaces areavailable, further investment and awareness and support from the population are still neededin relation to food production in these areas in a cooperative and self‐organized manner.