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Argiolas, Carlo; Melis, Filippo; Quaquero, Emanuela. Knowledge management in costructions: an application in the field of energy control. In: ENCONTRO DE TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO NA CONSTRUÇÃO CIVIL, 4., 2009, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: UFF, 2009. p. 1 - 10.
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 The growing complexity of the building process reaches high levels in Public Works, for which the Public Administrations (PA) still prove to be rather oriented towards a process of emergency management than towards an efficacy and efficiency policy of processes. The variety of the different subjects involved in carrying out of the building processes, makes the development of integration and cooperation instruments necessary. Through the present work, we suggest a solution to such issues: focusing on Knowledge Management (KM) techniques means to rationally organize the considerable quantity of data/information and to capitalize the consolidated knowledge. A PA aiming at improving the management of the building processes can implement an internal knowledge map to establish and/or make explicit the company standard procedures. The article reports the outcomes of a theoretical research, a work-in-progress, in which the knowledge management techniques are combined with possible applications related to the building field, and in particular to the energy control aspects of the buildings. However, in order to deal with the problem it is necessary to define both a common knowledge management platform and a new procedure to allow the interrelation among the involved actors. The first part of the article focuses on the definition of the basic unit (elementary product) of the internal knowledge map of the PA, and then it proposes a possible process of interaction with it. The article continues highlighting that the use of the knowledge map allows a re-examination of the whole public building process fundamentally improving the management of the energy efficiency of the buildings. In the last part, the article details a hypothesis of datum structuring concerning the energy control of the buildings inside the knowledge map. The outcome of the work is a first contribution to the implementation of an instrument to collect and share the specific knowledge of the PA. Therefore such an instrument can rationalize the whole public building process optimizing the energy management of the public building property.
The technological infrastructure will be a crucial element in order to operate and run the knowledge map: a software platform that, operating in a shared and cooperative environment, supports the elicitation and sharing of the structured knowledge.