Mais informações

Bruel, áurea; Santo, Adriana; Santos, Aguinaldo. Comparação de práticas de comunicação entre uma empresa de construção e uma empresa de manufatura. In: SEMINÁRIO DE TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO NA CONSTRUÇÃO CIVIL, 1., 2002, Curitiba. Anais... Curitiba: UFPR, 2002. p. 1 - 9.
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Número de Trabalhos: 2 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
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Índice h: 1  
Co-autores: 2


 The improvement in the organization communication can eliminate, or reduce, the non-value adding activities inherent in this process such as: waiting and processing. This article report the results of the diagnosis of communication practices of one civil construction company, having as benchmark one manufactory company. During the date protocol it was seen a lot of client waiting for the materials, caused mainly for rework of the administrative area and also for the inefficient communication. The concepts utilized to analysis the purchasing process of both companies was the aspects of organizational communication in the information flow and also the main topics about lean thinking. The conclusion of this job showed that the communication between the client and the supplier in the construction company studied is critical. It was possible recognize some practices that could be implanted in the purchasing process routine of the construction company.