Mais informações

BERTRAM, Gabi; MARTENS, Dirk. Understanding deformations of mortar embedded in masonry. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 6., 2005, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 2005. p. 1 - 10.
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 This paper, and the presented investigations and experiments, are part of the research project concerning crack control in veneer walls. In this project two ways of crack control are investigated. If prevention of cracks is required, movement joints are needed and design rules for the spacing of the movement joints should be developed. Another way of crack control consists of limiting the crack width and information about the allowable crack width should be provided. First the paper will describe the layout of the research project and some of the major time dependent parameters will be dealt with. Then a part of this project is shown more detailed. A glimpse of the results of some investigations, so far, will be given. Until now, the research has been focused on the time dependent properties of different types of mortar, the interaction between mortar and clay bricks and the influence of the environmental factors on the deformation of mortar embedded in masonry. It was concluded that a lot of different parameters play a role in the development of cracks in masonry and most of them are time dependent. Finally an overview of the future research will be shown.