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ROBERTS, John; BENINGFIELD, Neil. Recent developments in the composition, manufacture and properties of masonry mortars used in the UK. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 6., 2005, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 2005. p. 1 - 11.
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 Recent changes in masonry mortars have been caused by differences in the raw materials, in terms of availability and in the prescribed constituent definitions given in the Standards. The predominant type and place of manufacture has also changed with a reduction in the amount of materials batched on the building site and an increasing amount of factory produced material. The mortars themselves have become far more sophisticated as a result of the greater demands placed on them by structural, commercial and legislative pressures. The mix constituents used have greatly increased in number and type. Environental pressures have led to the use of more artificial sands and more by-product sands,
deriving for instance from the material that was commonly regarded as waste taken from the production of china clay. The use of cement replacements has increased so much that these materials are now used in the majority of factory made masonry mortars, which themselves represent the majority of mortars used in the UK. This change in manufacturing source has in turn resulted in major compositional possibilities, with the ability to produce specialist mortars that could never be produced by batching on the building site. One such material is thin joint mortar and this paper goes on to describe work carried out on this material at the University of Kingston.