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GOŁASZEWSKI, Jacek; SZWABOWSKI, Janusz. The effect of cement specific surface on rheology of superplasticized mortars. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 6., 2005, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 2005. p. 1 - 10.
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 In the paper the results of the investigation into influence of specific surface of cement (factor determining cement grade) on rheological properties of mortars with different cement -SP systems are presented and discussed. The effect of cement specific surface was studied using Two Point Workability Test performed on modified mortars according to EN 196-1:1994 which can be also considered as a model of fresh concrete. In the research the influence of cement specific surface was investigated taking into account the following factors: chemical composition of the cement (cements of different C3A, Na2Oeq), type of superplasticizer (SNF /naphthalene sulphonate acid/, PC /polycarboxylate acid/, PE /polyether/), W/C ratio and presence of air entraining admixture. As a result the nature of the influence of cement specific surface on rheological properties of superplasticized mortars is presented and discussed. It is concluded that cement specific surface not only strongly influences rheological properties of fresh mortars but also in some cases may cause variation in interaction of cement - SP system.