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PONIKIEWSKI, Tomasz; SZWABOWSKI, Janusz. Effects of fibres on the rheological and mechanical properties of reinforced mortar. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 6., 2005, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 2005. p. 1 - 10.
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Número de Trabalhos: 2 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
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 In the paper the methodology and test results of the investigation are presented and discussed on the influence of fibres (polypropylene, glass, carbon and steel) on rheological and mechanical properties of modified standard mortars. The rheological parameters of modified mortars – yield value g and plastic viscosity h were determined by using rheometer to pastes and mortars. The mechanical parameter of modified mortars – compressive strength were determined as well. In the research, an experimental verification of a significance of an influence: W/C ratio, volume fraction of fibres, lengths and kind of materials of fibres were observed. The analysis of the results of these measurements permitted on the following qualifications: relyable statistics of rheological parameters from variables, indications of workability forms of mortars with fibres and approximate relyability among rheological parameters and mechanical properties of fibre reinforced mortar.