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MORICONI, Giacomo; MONOSI, Saveria; CORINALDESI, Valeria. Recycled-aggregate mortars. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 6., 2005, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 2005. p. 1 - 8.
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 An alternative use of both masonry rubble and surplus fine recycled material could be in mortars. These can contain either recycled instead of natural sand or powder obtained by brick grinding as partial cement substitution. Taking aim at this, several mortars were prepared with cement to sand in the ratio 1:3, by adjusting the water content of each mortar in order to achieve the same consistency. Prismatic specimens were manufactured to evaluate compressive and flexural strength. As a result, mortars containing either brick powder or recycled aggregate showed lower compressive strengths with respect to a reference cementitious mortar or a mortar prepared by using fly ash as a partial cement substitution. Moreover, in order to evaluate the bond strength developed during the shearing of a brick with respect to another brick along a mortar layer 10 mm thick, a test method, derived from the draft European Standard prEN 1052- 3, was adopted. In this way the masonry behavior in the absence of normal stress was investigated. In general, experimental results showed the feasibility of using either recycled instead of natural sand as aggregate or powder obtained by bricks grinding as partial cement substitution for the production of mortars.