Mais informações

LABAKI, Lucila; TEIXEIRA, Carla Fernanda; TAVARES, Sérgio Fernando. Desempenho térmico de técnicas passivas em coberturas: resfriamento evaporativo e radiante. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL SOBRE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 8., ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 4., 2005, Maceió. Anais… Maceió: ANTAC, 2005. p. 2327-2328.
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This paper presents a project to improve the performance of built environment through the application of passive cooling techniques in the roofing system for the city of Campinas, SP. The passive techniques of evaporative cooling (water sprays) and radiant cooling (white painting and stressed aluminum film) will be applied in the roofing tiles of natural fiber, tiles metallic and pressured membrane of PVC. It is expected to contribute to adapt projects to the local climatic characteristics, transfer knowledge to the designers and providing energy savings.