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LAAR, Michael. Light and shadow: an analysis of daylighting and shadowing systems for the tropics. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITETURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 2001. p. 209-214.
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The importance of shadowing in the Tropics is well known (fig. 1). What is left beside in many cases is the daylighting in the tropics. Therefore the average consumption of electricity for artificial lighting in office buildings in the tropics is very high. The average value for Rio de Janeiro is 126 kWh/m² year, out of a total of 320 kWh/m² year [1]. Artificial lighting also contributes to a higher cooling load, beside other disad-vantages. A appropriate solution has to consider both aspects – shadowing and daylighting. The paper will discuss several possibilities, introducing an evaluation matrix. Radiance [2] was used for a quantitative as well as qualitative evaluation.