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PESSOA, Maria Cristina et al. Experimental biotery laboratory: the challenge of environmental comfort. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago do Chile. Anais... Santiago do Chile, 2003.
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The discussion about safety and health control on the working place also brings up issues related to environmental comfort. Enterprises concerned about this subject decided to incorporate comfort design concepts in their architectural space solution. Considering biological research that needs to use animals to obtain the necessary results for the investigation, architects must combine different aspects: human being environmental comfort necessities, animals’ environmental comfort demands, process reliability, work safety and health. When the working place has more than human beings as living forms to consider in the architectural solutions, the environmental comfort issue becomes much more complex, and requires the knowledge about requirements to accommodate other living forms. Most of the time there is a conflict between human beings and animals necessities. The architect must decide which one should be considered. Naturally, the focus of architectural design should always be human needs. Nevertheless it is imperative to consider the needs of the animals given that their behavior may interfere with the outcome of any experiment, compromising the obtained results. This paper discusses the environmental conditions on experimental laboratories. It presents the characteristics of the experimental biotery laboratory architectural design and guidelines that must be considered to provide environmental comfort requirements.