Mais informações

INO, Akemi; SHIMBO, Ioshiaqui. Processo de produção de habitação social utilizando madeira de rejeito comercial : experiência desenvolvida em Cuiabá, MT. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 16., 1996, Piracicaba. Anais… Piracicaba: ABEPRO, 1996.
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Número de Trabalhos: 69 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
Citações: 19
Índice h: 3  
Co-autores: Nenhum co-autor encontrado


This paper presents the results obtained in the production process of 300 units for social housing, in the district of "Cidade Pedra 90" in the city of Cuiabá, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, and the perspectives related to the utilization of native woods, commercially rejected (less than 2,5m length pieces) by the sawmills, aiming to a mass production of 220 units monthly, within a context of permanent improvement of the process and product quality, looking at costs reduction to final users, and widening access housing possibilities to low income people.