Mais informações

Golçanves, Helder; Panão, Marta; Camelo, Susana. Built environment, urban climate and rational use of energy: guidelines for urban planning in Lisbon city. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 6.
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The interaction between built environment and urban climate in Lisbon City is one of the main goals of the ACLURE Project, still under development. An experimental campaign was carried out during the last two years, monitoring a set of twenty dwellings during the summer and the winter periods. The monitored buildings differ in: location, urban morphology, typology, shape, age, external envelope, internal structure, glazing type and shading devices. It was possible to delineate the common thermal behaviour among buildings of different construction periods and to identify the causes for the summer and the winter thermal discomfort. Additionally, during summer and winter seasons, 4 to 14 urban stations measured the air temperatures and the humidity throughout Lisbon City to evaluate the influence of the microclimate on the dwellings thermal performance. Thus, a modelling work was undertaken and the results expressed in heating energy demands. For the same model in different locations, the simulations pointed out that the heating energy needs could differ of about 50%. Guidelines for urban planning in Lisbon city are also presented based on the variations of the number of floors (H) according to the street width (W) as well as the optimal number of floors and of H/W rate for urban streets and blocks layouts.