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PEREIRA, Fernando; Pereira, Alice; Atanásio, Veridiana. Virtual environment for learning: distant education of the daylighting phenomenon in architecture. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 6.
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 The present study aims the creation and development of a methodology directed towards the Characterization of the Daylighting Phenomenon in Architecture in a Virtual Environment for Learning. Virtual Environment for Learning is understood as an environment intended to contribute for the education process of architecture students, supporting them in the understanding of the way daylight can be manipulated (penetration and propagation) in a building, and to assess the causes of the effects which can be perceived: brightness, shadows, uniformity, contrast, etc. The relevance of Virtual Environment for Learning in the current context of globalization, distant education and on-line world, consists of the availability of a set of learning tools that can be used independent to the time and place, and according to student rhythm. The proposed environment consists of three modules: i) theoretical reference; ii) virtual experimenting environment, and iii) problem solving. The second module, focus of this paper, consists of three stages: 1) generation of a set of 112 models, covering several variations on form, dimension, aperture location and surface reflectance; 2) results presentation of a series of computer simulation that produced daylight internal distribution graphics, photo-realistic images, and models for virtual reality navigation (vrml); 3) a bank of images showing architecture examples. All the information has already been produced and the navigating environment is currently being programmed.