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LASSANCE, Guilherme et al. Environmental qualities of the end-of-millenium architecture. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 6.
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Co-autores: 2

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Co-autores: 1

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Co-autores: 2


The paper clarifies the approach adopted on the constitution of a shareable culture about environmental quality in architecture. It recall some of the adopted methodological principles and presents the results layout obtained in the analysis of contemporary design strategies and the definition of shareable sustainability concepts. The research reported by this paper started from the observation of a gap still existing between an abstract formalist architectural culture and the technical, economic and social issues related to the sustainable development agenda. Our work consists in reconsidering the relationship between technical and architectural professional backgrounds by proposing means which would support the constitution of a shareable culture on environmental quality in architecture. This paper outlines the work done on the widening of the initial corpus of concepts presented in the PLEA 2002 conference by introducing a new array of concepts drawn from the analysis of both architectural and environmental aspects of some end-of-millenium published projects.