Mais informações

CHÁVEZ, José; CRUZ, Eduardo. Application of low cost daylighting strategies for a sustainable house in a hot humid climate. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 7.
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Solar radiation is the main source of heat and light in buildings. The suitable and conscious application of bioclimatic design can provide thermal and luminous/visual comfort for occupants of buildings. In hot humid areas, the achievement of this approach is a great challenge. This is due to the dichotomy of the need for getting rid of heat whilst admitting natural light, as this is the predominant condition most of the time in these regions. An experimental arrangement using a 3D physical model in an artificial sky has been used to evaluate the potential of a simple low cost daylighting technique for providing adequate illuminance levels in a domestic building whilst promoting natural ventilation aimed at achieving thermal and luminous/visual comfort for occupants. The real case study building has been built taking into account this approach. Results indicate that the daylighting strategy investigated has the potential to deliver acceptable lighting conditions both quantitatively and qualitatively.