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YAO, Runming; STEEMERS, Koen. Energy design on the integration of solar energy systems within domestic buildings. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 7.
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 Considerable effort is being directed to the deployment of renewable energy technologies in an attempt to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. At the strategic design stage, a very important element is determining the energy demands based on the consumption patterns of the individuals. A variety of factors will determine the energy demand. The attainment of the optimum mix of measures and renewable system deployment requires a simple method suitable for use at the early design stage. This paper describes the demand in the UK’s domestic buildings. A set of energy demand models for domestic buildings corresponding to hypothetical cases has been established. A simplified method has been proposed to predict the brea down energy demand and to estimate solar energy supplement. The demand reduction and profile alteration due to solar energy deployment has been analyzed.