Mais informações

Plessis, Chrisna. Finding the tin man’s heart – social responsibility in the construction sector.  In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 9., 2002, Foz do Iguaçu. Anais... Foz do Iguaçu: ANTAC, 2002. p. 13 - 22.
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 The construction sector has a very negative image concerning both its social and environmental responsibility. Increased international societal and regulatory pressure is forcing all sectors of development to respect human rights, be socially responsible and align their business practices with the principles of sustainable development. The construction sector, as a significant employer, user of resources, and polluter, will not escape this call for accountability and responsibility. The ability of members of the construction sector to continue conducting business will increasingly be determined by the way in which they conduct business. The lines between social responsibility and sustainable development is also blurring, thus expanding the criteria for social responsibility that businesses are presented with. This paper will look at how the requirements of sustainable development are shaping the social responsibility agenda, how businesses both inside and outside the construction sector are implementing social responsibility, and finally provide some suggestions on what the construction sector can do to meet these requirements.