Mais informações

Bhatla, Ankit; Leite, Fernanda. Generating 3D point clouds using photos taken from digital cameras . In: ENCONTRO DE TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO NA CONSTRUÇÃO, 5., 2011, Salvador. Anais... Salvador: ANTAC, 2011. p. 1 - 12.
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Número de Trabalhos: 4 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
Citações: 44
Índice h: 3  
Co-autores: 71


 Images taken from digital cameras are being widely used for construction monitoring purposes such as, to check conformance to baseline project schedules and contract specifications. Another emerging use of these photos is to generate 3D point clouds of a construction project, superimpose them on the original 3D models and check the resulting model for progress and deviations from the original plan. The objective of this paper is to develop a set of guidelines for taking such photographs which can enable efficient and effective generation of such 3D point
clouds using off-the-shelf software packages for construction monitoring and infrastructure asset management purposes. In this paper, a section of a cable stayed bridge under-construction in Dallas, Texas, as well as an existing building in Austin, Texas, are used as examples to propose a set of guidelines for taking such photos.