Mais informações

MEDEIROS, J. S.; SABBATINI, F. H. Componentes pré-moldados de concreto armado para a construção de edifícios habitacionais. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON STRUCTURAL MASONRY FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, 5., 1994, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 1994. p. 491-496.
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The utilization of precast reinforced concrete units has been demonstrating its importance for the improvement of masonry construction all over the world. As important as economical advantages, technical-aspects such as productivity and performance can show how to increase final product results. The work presented here analyzes the guidelines that were considered to the design and production of a new line of pre-fabricated concrete units which has been created to be used in housing-building construction. The results demonstrated that there are many possibilities of applying different material units, based in only one aim: building construction rationalization.