Mais informações

IOPPI, P. R.; ARRUDA, H. A. C. Patologias da alvenaria estrutural de tijolo cerâmico aparente e manifestações identificadas em edificações na cidade de Florianópolis: diagnóstico, terapia e prevenção. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON STRUCTURAL MASONRY FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, 5., 1994, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 1994. p. 563-573.
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The most of ceramic production in Brasil is located at Santa Catarina State. This reason along with building versatility, durability and aesthetic beauty, make mansory of clay brick one of the most used constructive system in the region. Considering that strenght, aesthetic beauty and durability are the main concerns by the consumer, the study of Building Damages: (forms of manifestation; evolution mechanisms; causes; prevention measures and restauration), is necessary to guarantee the satisfaction of the user. This work describes some types of the anomalys based on damaging agents found in masonry buildings without external rendering placed in Florianópolis The damages found in literature are also described. The facts gathered through the inspection on location and bibliographyc search, were used to sugest the repairs for every situation and provide guidlines to prevent the occurrence of the imperfections. Based on the types of damages found it is concluded that: Quality control of both material building process would prevent many of the damages; Repairing and maintenance programs should be developed; Users and constructors should be aware of the importance using good materials and workmanship.