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DA SILVA FILHO, Luiz Carlos Pinto et al. Utilização de métodos computacionais nareconstituição de incêndios: aplicação ao caso do shopping total. Revista Sul-Americana de Engenharia Estrutural, Passo Fundo, v. 8, n. 3, p. 52-64, set./dez. 2011.
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Co-autores: 6


A validação das ferramentas de simulação computacional de incêndio é fundamental paraestudar situações de propagação do fogo e para determinar as curvas de elevação detemperatura dos elementos estruturais em cada cenário. Isso permite, identificar riscos eplanejar estratégias para proteger as estruturas e seus usuários dos efeitos de incêndios. Opresente trabalho reporta uma simulação aproximada da dinâmica de um dos maisimportantes incêndios recentes ocorridos na cidade de Porto Alegre, que atingiu oShopping Total.Os resultados obtidos indicam que as ferramentas de simulação sãopromissoras, mas que é necessário investir na formação de bancos de dados mais amplose precisos sobre as características dos materiais encontrados nas edificações, para poderfornecer aos programas informações sobre comportamento de ignição e propriedades emtemperatura ambiente e sob aquecimento.


One important line of research of the Laboratory of Structural Tests and Modeling(LEME) from the Federal University of Brazil at Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) aims tocontribute to the study of structural elements under high temperature exposure typical offire developments in buildings. This type of research is still scarce in Brazil, mainly dueto the high costs of experimental facilities and equipment necessary to conduct laboratoryor controlled tests that accurately reproduce real fire conditions. A possible way toovercome this problem is to use computational simulations to estimate boundaryconditions on the surface of structural elements during fire situations. One interestingaspect related to the use of computational scenarios is enabling the testing of differenthypothesis regarding the dynamics of the blaze, resulting in distinct temperature andsmoke flow estimates. However, there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding the accuracyof simulation tools in reproducing real situations, and the validity of the resultingestimates is often questioned. To check if this concern is valid, it is useful to analyze howthese tools reproduce known case studies, context in which the present study wasconceived. The work attempted to represent, using one of the most modern computersimulation tools (the “Fire Dynamics Simulator” software, from NIST), a fire thatoccurred in a real structure, in Porto Alegre/RS. The case of a commercial Shopping Mall(Shopping Total) was chosen due to availability of data about damage and estimates oftemperatures reached in different locations, obtained from a detailed inspectionconducted by the LEME team after the event, in order to reconstruct fire dynamics andidentifydamaged elements. The paper contains a comparative study of temperature curvesin selected structural elements, both estimated by simulationand obtained by testingsamples collected after the fire. The results indicate that the use of simulation tools ispromising, but highlight the need to invest in the formation of larger and more precisedatabases about the characteristics of materials found in buildings in order to providebetter input information about ignition behavior and properties at room temperature andunder heating for the simulation tools to work with. The study made clear that it isnecessary to develop better strategies for considering the sharp and sudden deteriorationof materials due to spalling, in order to reliably reproduce the behavior of thin slabelements. Several adjustments and adaptations were necessary to obtain a good fitbetween real structural behavior and the results of the numerical simulations.