Mais informações

Mattos, L.; Dal-Molin, D.; Carneiro, A. Caracterização das argamassas para revestimento externo utilizadas E, Belém/PA: Estudo do comportamento no estado fresco. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 4., 2001, Brasília. Anais...  Brasília: UNB, 2001. p. 1-14.
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Citações: 15
Índice h: 3  
Co-autores: 37

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Número de Trabalhos: 3 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
Citações: 3
Índice h: 1  
Co-autores: 5


The main objective of this work was to study the influence of a clay-soil and an airentraining admixture on the fresh properties, namely consistency, water retention and bulk density, of rendering mortars prepared with two types of cement commonly used in the city. Attempting to improve the performance of these mortars, an amount of 10% of silica fume was added, by weight of cement, to the mortar prepared with clay-soil and to the mortar prepared with chemical admixture. The results show significant influence of the type of cement and clay-soil content, measured in relation to the total amount of aggregate. The replacement of clay-soil by chemical admixture, and the addition of silica fume, did not always showed the expected results.