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CLARO, Paula Cordeiro Telles et al. Processo de Gestão de Planejamento Sustentável na Construção Civil a partir da aplicação do Last Planner e Gestão de Resíduo da Construção. In: ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE EDIFICAÇÕES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 1., 2015, Guimarães. Anais... GuimarÃes, 2015.
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Número de Trabalhos: 6 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
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Índice h: Indice h não calculado  
Co-autores: 2


In many cases, residue or losses are the result of a poorly planned process that mustreturn to the supply chain to guarantee its reutilization and, therefore, its reverse logistics.Considering this scenario, this paper has the purpose of analyzing the efficiency of the BrazilianEnterprise Planning System and it compares the theories offered by the Last Planner system ofproduction. Aside from that, it also evaluates if the companies utilized Residues Managementon its construction sites. To accomplish that, the authors developed questionnaires involvingboth themes and sent them to the engineers of building companies located in the cities ofCampinas and São Paulo. With the data acquired it was possible to create preliminary charts andextract the main results to subsequently, compare them with the theories studied in the LastPlanner System and Residues Management.