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ASHOUR, Ahmed; BRAGANÇA, Luís; ALMEIDA, Manuela. Promoting sustainability as a strategy to mitigate the effects of economic downturn on the construction industry. In: ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE EDIFICAÇÕES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 1., 2015, Guimarães. Anais... GuimarÃes, 2015.
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Co-autores: 8


During the recent years followed by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), most ofbusiness and industries around the globe have been hardly hit to the limit that it still strugglingto survive, suffering from the crisis financial consequences. For instance, in the constructionindustry; many construction projects have been suspended or totally cancelled. Nevertheless,among this dilemma, a call has been raised to use the sustainable practices to mitigate theeffects of the GFC on construction industry.For the first look, it seems that there is contradiction since the sustainable solutions are oftenassociated with an increase in the initial cost, undoubtedly, the sustainable practices have manyadvantages in both economic and environment aspects, however, the question which needs tobe addressed here is, to what extent using such sustainable practices can mitigate the negativeeffects of the economic downturn on construction industry.Therefore, it is a challenging argument for using such sustainable construction from its economicperspective, however, this paper is aiming to present the economical benefits of sustainablepractices in construction industry, and trying to clear the doubt of the high initial costs of thesustainable construction through studying the life cycle benefit of green building.