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TAWAYHA, Fajr Ali Al; BRAGANÇA, Luís; MATEUS, Ricardo. The influence of the Palestinian sociocultural values in shaping the vernacular architecture of Nablus city. In: ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE EDIFICAÇÕES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 1., 2015, Guimarães. Anais... GuimarÃes, 2015.
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Co-autores: 6


Recently, environmental architecture and sustainable construction has been rankedon top of the world’s interests. Making use of natural resources helps in reducing energyconsumption and costs associated with the operation of buildings. The current architecturalapproaches and designs in Palestine are far away from environmental concepts, copying andsimulating abroad approaches, without taking into account the culture, climate, and inhabitant'sneeds. On the contrast, vernacular architecture has achieved environmental concepts and hasgiven suitable approaches and samples ‐ without any need to simulate or copy ‐ which come frompeople and land. This paper discusses how the Palestinian socio‐cultural context shaped theresidential vernacular architecture in Palestine, taking the old city of Nablus as a case‐study. Theresearch concept depends on analysing and trying to understand the effect of the socio‐culturalcontext on vernacular architecture and trying to reach some rules or understandings of how itworks in order to reach a modern environmental dwelling that is suitable to this concept. Theresearch method goes through analysing study cases from the traditional architecture models andthe Nablus city is selected as a case study. This analytical and qualitative method can lead to deepunderstanding for how to benefit from vernacular architecture in Palestine in finding the futureenvironmental residential construction. One of the main findings of this research is to set generaland special rules for building sustainable buildings in Palestine from the socio‐cultural point view,in order to be a reference for designers, stakeholders, ministry of planning, and municipalities.