Mais informações

DA SILVA, K. A. N. et al. Estudo de concretos confeccionados com agregados de rcd reciclado visando uso em aplicações estruturais. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 12., 2008, Fortaleza. Anais... Fortaleza: ANTAC, 2008.
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The aim of this work was to analyze some mechanical and durability properties of the concrete produced with fine and coarse aggregates obtained from the recycling of construction and demolition wastes (CDW) in order to evaluate the possibility of use this composite in structures. A special attention was given to the degree of porosity/strength of the coarse recycled aggregate. Construction and demolition wastes were gathered from illegal deposition areas inside Maceió and were comminuted in laboratory; the grains obtained were divided into fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. A part of the coarse aggregate was mixed in with recycled concrete aggregate in order to produce a new aggregate which was less porous/stronger than the first one. The specific gravity of the coarse recycled aggregates was used as a parameter to measure its degree of porosity. Concretes were produced in laboratory combining three water-cement ratio with each coarse recycled aggregate and fine recycled aggregate or river sand; reference concretes were produced with natural aggregates too. It was observed that recycled aggregates can be used in structural concrete. In general, the use of coarse recycled aggregate in combination with fine coarse aggregate was not good, but the less porous (or the higher the specific gravity) the coarse recycled aggregate, the better the concrete properties were. Some recycled aggregate concretes reached strength values bigger than the reference concrete. Keywords: construction and demolition waste, recycling, concrete, porosity 1