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JOSÉ, Juliana Amaral de São; BORGES, Marcos Martins; DE CASTRO, Eduardo Breviglieri Pereira. Comportamento do software Ecotect comparado ao software EnergyPlus. In: ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE EDIFICAÇÕES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 1., 2015, Guimarães. Anais... GuimarÃes, 2015.
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The knowledge of the behavior of natural light is necessary to achieve a betterperformance of the building. The use of simulation softwares as analysis tools aggregatespracticability and efficiency to the design process, generating a more favorable position for theunderstanding of the product. In this scenario, this paper consists an experimental evaluationtowards luminic comfort using Ecotect software compared to EnergyPlus software. The firstsoftware was chosen because of its ease of interaction with the user and your graphic results,since the second software was chosen because of its accuracy. Like this, the product of eachsimulation was compared crossing the results obtained by each software. After a battery ofanalysis it was verified that Ecotect software maintains the level of illuminance anytime of theday, suffering influence only of the kind of sky simulated. On the other hand, insetion of inputsin EnergyPlus software is basically numerical such as its output data. These proceedingsdemonstrated more clearly the appropriate of the mentioned tools in the design process in thearchitectural conception and detail.