Mais informações

PEREIRA, A. T. C. et al. Modelagem fotorealística com software Lightscape. In: CONFERÊNCIA LATINO-AMERICANA DE INFORMÁTICA NO ENSINO DE ARQUITETURA, SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE INFORMÁTICA NO ENSINO DE ARQUITETURA, 4., 1998, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 1998.
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Computer graphics have increased been used by professionals of building design and marketing areas due to the need of reaching photorealism through 3D model precision representation. This fact has brought to the design education the exigency for knowledge not only of light, rhythm, proportion, balance, texture, forms and color but also computer graphics. The present paper deals with the difference among rendering software and focuses specially the software Lightscape® . Illumination types are pointed out referring the distinction between local and global illumination.