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GRIMME, F. W.; LAAR, Michael. Primary energy in building materials: an evaluation system and environmental consequences. PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture), artigo técnico.
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Número de Trabalhos: 9 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 8)
Citações: 1
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Energy saving measures are the top priority in discussions about agenda 21 and the planning of a sustainable development for the next century. For a long time the focus in the area of civil engineering and architecture was on the operational sector of buildings. Latest results of researches demonstrate, that – considering the whole life-cycle of a building – 2/3 of the energy is consumed for operational needs like heating, cooling, lighting, elevators etc. Therefore 1/3 of the energy of a building is needed for the production of the materials. With an especially developed methodology today it is possible to calculate different factors of the environmental impact during the life-cycle of various building materials. Beside the energy input in the production process (so called embodied energy), it also considers possible unwelcome side products of the production process, like gases (CO2, CO, SO, NOx etc.) and heavy metals. Another important consideration is the type of energy used for the production cycle (energy mix). Energy of hydro-electric plants, wind and solar energy are by far less problematic than nuclear (risks) or fossil fuels (heating up of the atmosphere). Another aspect is the possibility to recycle the material after the destruction of the building. Whereas wood can still be used for chipboards or be burned (producing useful energy), concrete has to be dumped into land-fills. Furthermore the paper points out the environmental consequences of the selection of different wall construction materials due to embodied energy and the geographical situation: The situation in Fortaleza/Brazil will serve as an example, where a research project was carried out in 1995/96. The results came as a surprise for everyone.