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GRIMME, F. W.; LAAR, M. German policy for energy efficiency in buildings. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 16., 1999, Brisbane. Anais... Brisbane: PLEA, 1999. p. 839-844.
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In 1918 the era of social housing began in Germany. Nearly from the start a trend could be noted away from the conventional and extravagant toward economical construction techniques. Compromises between technical necessities and the desires of the landlords and the inhabitants were sought after in various ways. The fundamentals for modern construction–materials, their (physical) properties, architecture, new techniques as well as the industrial production of buildings – were set in the 20s. Model communities were realised whose effects reached into the 80s. In 1950 state-subsidised housing construction began, with regulations, such as minimum dwelling/room size and maximum rent. 1951 dwelling ownership was recognised. In 1952 the DIN 4108 with minimum requirements for thermal insulation in construction, took effect. Oil crises forced the state to react. 1976 the "Law to Reduce Energy Consumption in Buildings was decreed and the details written in the 1st – 3rd heat saving regulations (WSVo from 1976, 1984, 1991 respectively), heating unit regulation, and the heating operations regulations. These regulations mirrored the economic possibilities at that time. Parallel to this a wide ranging research program in the construction industry was initiated. Important developmental steps will be discussed here using examples.