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JOTA, Patricia Romeiro da Silva; BRACARENSE, Mirna Suely dos Santos. Analyses of daylight inside buildings using multi-level factorial design. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITETURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 2001. p. 217-218.
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This paper presents a statistical method called Multi-level Factorial Design for a quantitative evaluation of the natural lighting inside buildings. The analyses has been made from day lighting measurements using a scale model simulating a room. The experiment has been composed by many tests run outdoors under natural light conditions with the aid of two luximeters. The goal is identify the simple and interactions effects of three factors, such as the window area, window location on the wall and overhang, in daylight levels inside buildings, they were dimensioned by ours standards. The multi-level factorial design is a very efficient method of getting the information we require. It gets the required information at least expenditure of resources.