Mais informações

SANTOS, S. B.; BARBOSA, N. P.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, N. F. Properties of high-performance concrete prepared with local material in João Pessoa. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH- PERFORMANCE CONCRETE, AND PERFORMANCE AND QUALITY OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES, 2., 1999, Gramado. Anais… Gramado, 1999.
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High-performance concrete is sensitive to aggregate size and the sand normally employed in João Pessoa has low fineness modulus. This work shows the properties of many concrete mixtures using local sand and the variation of these properties with the cement and silica fume content. Four cement content, varying from 450 to 600 kg/m 3 , were utilised. A local sandstone was used as coarse aggregate. Compression strength, tensile strength and flexural strength were measured. Also the modulus of elasticity of the concrete was evaluated by velocity propagation of ultrasonic waves into samples. Relationship between tensile strength, flexural strength and elastic modulus with compression strength are presented. Elastic modulus obtained by ultrasonic measurement are compared with the analytical expressions from CEB and ACI, as function of compression strength. Results indicate a good concordance. The work shows that even with the local sand and gravel, it is possible to prepare high-performance concrete in João Pessoa.