Mais informações

WIDMER, Peter. Use of lime mortar gauged with cement and hydraulic lime in a restoring intervention at a facade wall of a medieval castle in switzerland. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 6., 2005, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 2005. p. 1 - 13.
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  The aim of the article is to show a procedure of decision making for conservation measures concerning the problems of partly disintegrated historical stonework masonry. No laboratory analysis could be applied to define adequate intervention measures because of financial shortage and a very short time for planning and execution, which reflects a common day-by-day situation. Further, the case study presents 4 simple methods that can be used as criteria to develop repair materials and methods.
1. Water absorption test
2. Finger test
3. Measuring of carbonation with Phenolphthalein
4. Measuring of the proportion aggregate / binder
Among others, the procedure shows a way to help to reduce the error rate in decision making for conservation measures.