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TITTARELLI, Francesca et al. Effectiveness and efficiency of hydrophobic admixtures in mortars. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 6., 2005, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 2005. p. 1 - 9.
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 Environmental attack on cementitious materials is in general related to water penetration into pores. Therefore, it is clear that any action slowing down or even preventing water penetration, should involve an increase in durability. The earliest technique for protecting any structure from environmental attack has been to apply rendering mortars, which are in fact rather porous materials. Since to make structures stiffer in order to reduce porosity would defeat the purpose because of a higher cracking tendency, rendering mortars could be used as a barrier against water penetration by making them hydrophobic. This can be obtained by hydrophobic treatment of the surface, based on silanes and siloxanes, the effectiveness of which has been already demonstrated. Recently, hydrophobic agents have been introduced in the mortar mixture directly in order to make both the surface and the whole mortar bulk hydrophobic. The use of these admixtures appears a promising and relatively cheap prevention method against environmental attack, but their effectiveness and efficiency have not yet been well investigated, mainly because of contradictory results generally reported in the literature. In this work the effectiveness of hydrophobic admixtures was evaluated by means of capillary water absorption tests carried out on cement mortars. Compressive strength was determined at different curing times, by detecting increasing strength loss for increasing dosage of the hydrophobic admixture. The behavior of ordinary cement mortars, hydrophobic or not, was compared also with respect to the type of hydrophobic treatment, either bulk or surface, showing that similar hydrophobic efficiency can be achieved.