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BANFILL, Phillip. The rheology of fresh mortar – a review. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 6., 2005, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 2005. p. 1 - 10.
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 The rheology of fresh mortar is described and selected features of its behaviour interpreted from a rheological perspective, highlighting research from the past 20 years. Mortar conforms to the Bingham model and therefore requires measurement of two parameters – yield stress and plastic viscosity – for its characterisation. Additionally, cement-based mortar undergoes structural breakdown when sheared and this requires carefully standardised mixing and testing procedures to be used. Most rheometers for mortar are rotational, and very little work has been done on compressive rheology. Rheology can be related to the results of empirical tests such as slump and flow but the latter are criticised on fundamental grounds, since they are incapable of providing the necessary minimum of information to characterise the material unambiguously. Mix composition affects these two parameters in different ways and this enables rheology to be used for quality and mix formulation control. This is especially useful in view of the complex effect of sand grading. Finally it is shown that the behaviour of mortar when being spread by trowel can be understood in terms of the Bingham model.