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Basso, Mirza et al. Urban morphology and solar potential of the built environment in andean cities of hispanic layout: assessing proposals towards a more sustainable energy future. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 7.
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 The study presented in this paper was basic for developing a proposal on normative guidelines to control the morphological evolution of gridiron urban environments, aimed at maximizing, in mid-terms, the use of solar energy for space and water heating in urban buildings. It is focused on mixed land-use and high density urban zones, typical of Mendoza’s Metropolitan Area (MMA), in Argentina. A recent updating (2000) of the city’s Municipal Building Code (MBC) was enforced, differentiating prescriptions for high density consolidated and total renovation zones; in both cases aimed at upgrading environmental conditions in urban buildings but, totally ignoring the potential energy use of the region’s generous solar resource. The roles of Soil Occupation Factors (SOF) and Total Occupation Factors (TOF), key indicators in the MBC, are evaluated. The typical square cardinal city block is the basic analysis unit. The negative evolution of the solar potential, due to densification, under the present MBC prescriptions is assessed. A ”theoretical optimum” alternative is used for comparative evaluation. Developed from the conclusions of the study, a provisionally feasible “solar” scheme is proposed for total renovation areas. Further work on highly consolidated zones is needed in order to set the limits to their recoverable status and to prescribe accordingly.