Mais informações

Sampaio, Maria. Estudo de caso: Habitação de interesse social – O projeto piloto promorar em São Paulo – Vila Maria. In: SIMPÓSIO LATINO-AMERICANO DE RACIONALIZAÇÃO DA CONSTRUÇÃO E SUA APLICAÇÃO ÀS HABITAÇÕES DE INTERESSE SOCIAL, 1981, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo: IPT, 1981. p. 371 - 390.
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Co-autores: 2


The aim of this study is to evaluate a project that has one year of age. The project is an official one, called' PROMORAR, and in the Municipality of São Paulo it pretends to furnish "house-nucleus" (*) to the population of the "favelas". On the scale of priorities, the first "faveIas" to be considered for the programs are those exposed to periodic flooding, in danger of slides, those that are the subject of intense judicial conflict, or are located on public land scheduled to receive utilities infrastructure. The first project of PROMORAR in São Paulo, built 290 "house-nuclei" to relocate a population exposed to periodic flooding. These houses, as the name implies, represent merely the initial nucleus around wich the family is expected and encouraged to expand their living quarters, adding more rooms on the remainder of their lot. This study shows the results, that we classify encouraging, since we can notice clear signs of the house improvements and the steps taken by the dweller to improve their habitats.
