Mais informações

BERNARDO, Elio; CORTÉS; ARAYA, Lydia. Passive solar building built in soil-cement. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: PLEA, 2001. p. 147 - 152.
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In the northwest zone of Argentina and in neigbour countries earth construction is common. In the Pampas Zone, with humid climate and smaller thermal amplitudes, this kind of construction is less usual. The recovery and improvement of these materials and techniques is important because of: a) Cost reduction, specially in self-construction; b) energy involved in materials production diminution; c) Lessening of dwellings production environmental effects. Earth may be used alone or stabilized with straw, bitumen, cement, lime, etc. The combination of earth construction and solar energy utilization has attractive features. Thermal properties of earth (and its low cost, enabling thick inexpensive walls) make it adequate for solar buildings. Project and construction process of Community Center of “Saladillo Sur” Cooperative, whose members are low-income inhabitants of a neighbourhood of Rosario (Argentina) are presented. It has been built in rammed soil-cement, including some Trombe-Michel walls and insulation of other walls and roof. The construction of this building is part of a more abarcative process, including the previous self-construction of the dwellings for the whole neighbourhood. Soil studies results are also given in relation with the building material choise. Building pathology after three years of use is also discussed.