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MINKE, Gernot. Earthquake-resistant low-cost-houses built of earth. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 6.
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 Earth as a building material has lost its credibility mainly because of the fact that many modern houses with earth walls could not withstand earthquakes and also since earth is considered as a building material for the poor. In many areas of the Andes regions building with adobe (unburned, unstabilized handmade soil blocks) is forbidden nowadays. Nevertheless the majority of rural population still build with this building material as it cannot afford to build with bricks or concrete blocks. Within three research projects conducted by the Building Research Laboratory (FEB), University of Kassel, in co-operation with different universities from Latin America, it was stated that the structural failures of earthern buildings are not due to the material earth but due to the structural system used or the performance of work. Three new techniques to built earthquake-resistant houses with rammed earth walls and adobe domes were developed and successfully implemented with five prototype buildings in Guatemala, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Mexico. The paper depicts the results of the investigations and gives guidelines how to design earthquake-resistant one-story houses built of earth.