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MERONI, I. et al. The contribution of innovative building envelope components to energy saving. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: PLEA, 2001. p. 63 - 66.
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Nowadays, one of the main goals of the building industry and architecture is to exploit the solar source for the air-conditioning (heating-cooling) of buildings. Over the last years many activities have started to develop new building and plant technologies oriented to energy saving by improving indoor comfort and reducing pollution emission. The guidelines deriving from various world conferencesout new strategies to reduce both energy consumption and air-pollution. These aims have increased research works oriented to find materials, components and systems able to use energy gains from the environment, in particular from the sun. During the study carried out at ICITE on the subject, two envelope technologies have been studied and realised. The paper describes such technologies and the methods used for their characterisation. It also reports on the most meaningful results obtained from the experiments carried out by using an experimental set-up conceived and realised with the specific aim of characterising and comparing different systems with one another from the energy point of view under real working conditions.