Mais informações

KAFTAN, E.; ARCH, M. The cellular method to design energy efficient shading form to accommodate the dynamic characteristics of climate. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: PLEA, 2001. p. 829 - 835.
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The cellular method, developed by the author, utilizes an innovative approach to determine the optimal shading form for a given period that would yield maximum energy efficiency. The method examines numerous cells, located on a proposed exterior shading plane, for their periodic shading necessity. The overall periodic shading necessity of all cells reveals an optimal shading necessity pattern which in turn provides maximum energy conservation in mechanical systems while thermal and visual comfort are maintained. In addition, by examining different shading planes for a given period, the method can provide an optimal three-dimensional shading necessity pattern. In contrast to previous methods of defining shading form, whereBy extensive hourly examinations of numerous cells, considering different parameters determined by the user, the method provides much finer resolution of shading necessity patterns. Such patterns indicate more accurate shading forms which can optimize building energy conservation.